Rainsong - Daughter of Rain, Lifemate of Woodlock, Mother of Newstar, Wing
and Mender. Grandmother of Serrin, Kimo and Great Grandmother of Bowki. Half sister of Pike.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Lifegiver and gatherer
Rainsong devoted her whole being to her family. She gave birth to three children - Newstar, Wing and
Mender - within a dozen years, a feat unique among elves. Most definitely Recognized to Woodlock, Rainsong was defined by
her family, and the yardstick by which all other mothers were measured. She was quiet and nurturing - always putting her family
first. Rainsong and her family took readily to life in the Sun Village, so much so that they chose to remain when most of
the Wolfriders left in search of Cutter. Life was full for her, and she walked the path to its natural end and died of old
Woodlock - Lifemate of Rainsong, Father of Newstar, Wing and Mender. Grandfather
of Kimo, Serrin and Great grandfather of Bowki
Soulname - Unrevealed
Lifegiver, gatherer, and guard
Woodlock is generally remembered for his prolific Recognition of Rainsong. They raised an almost unheard-of
brood of three children: Newstar, Wing, and Mender. Woodlock was rarely seen hunting, more likely spending time protecting
and caring for those left back at the holt. Though a Wolfrider by birth, he lived out his life in the Sun Village and became
one of the few Wolfriders to die of old age.
Wing - Son of Woodlock and Rainsong, Brother to Newstar and Mender, Lifemate
to Behtia, Father to Serrin, Grandfather of Bowki
Soulname - Unrevealed
Gatherer and guard
Wing was the son of Rainsong and Woodlock. An infant when he and the other Wolfriders fled the Father
Tree Holt, he grew up in the Sun Village. Wing's thoughts and habits have remained virtually unknown. We do know he Recognized
Behtia and sired a girl cub, Serrin, who later Recognized Dart. Wing died of old age, one of the rare Wolfriders to do so.
Rillfisher - Lifemate of Treestump, Mother of Dewshine, Grandmother of Windkin.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Gatherer, Fish Catcher
Rillfisher was Treestumps recognized Lifemate and Dewshine's mother. When she was struck with a high
fever, the tribes, healer, Rain, was unable to prevent complete hearing loss. While Rillfisher adapted well, living many years
afterward, her deafness prevented her from hearing the crack of o falling tree branch. Unbale to avoid it in time, she was
crushed to death.
Joyleaf - Lifemate to Bearclaw, Sister of Treestump, Mother of Cutter, Grandmother
of Sunstream and Ember
Soulname - Dehl
Huntress, Gatherer
Joyleaf was acknowledged to be "as much chief as her lifemate, Bearclaw, was a chief. Perhapes her
arrows were not allways as sure to the mark as his, but Joyleaf's patience often brought better results then Bearclaw's recklessness!
and when Bearclaw in one of his rages, would have led the tribe into futile battle with the humans - Joyleaf's wise counsel
always turned his anger aside!"
Bearclaw's opposite in all the best ways, "Joyleaf was sunlight where Bearclaw was dark earth, fluid
curve where he was sharp angle, calm where he was storm." Joyleaf and Bearclaw died within hours of eachother; whene she was
killed suddenly by Madcoil, Bearclaw tracked the creature down, bent on revenge - Revenge that cost him his life.
A quiet person who Knew how to live without being active every moment. Her specialty was wisdom,
and her major task was restraining Bearclaw's hatred of the humans.
Shale - Lifemate of Eyeshigh, Father of Skywise
Soulname - Zash
Hunter, Gaurd, Gatherer
Shale was the recognized lifemate of Eyeshigh and father of Skywise. Aware that Eyeshigh was a loner,
he assuaged his longing to be with her by hunting to feed mother and child. When she asked that he be with her for the birht
of there cub, he was beside himself with joy...short - lived joy, however:attacked by humans he fell from the nest Eyeshigh
had made and broke his back. He was murdered by the humans before Eyehigh was captured, and never saw his son.
Eyeshigh - Lifemate of Shale, Mother of Skywise
Soulname - Koei
Loner, Gatherer
As her name denotes, she was entranced by the sky, and during her pregnancy kept a perch at the top
of the highest tree in the forest. It was important to her that her son be born as close to the stars as possable, with her
lifemate Shale by her side. Her wish was danied however when she and Shale were attacked by humans. Shale was killed in front
of her sending her into labor. Unable to escape while so heavy with child, she was cptured by two human youths.
With some shred of mercy the youths realized she was pregnant and could not bear to see her and her
baby die. braveing the wrath of their tribe, they took Eyeshigh away by raft, where, exausted, she finally gave birth to Skywise.
As her strength ebbed, she bundled Skywise in her oiled cloak and sent to her tribesmates one last time. She set Skywise as
she died to be found by her tribefolk.
Longbranch -Son of Fernhare and Owl, Brother to One-Eye, Lifemate to
Brownberry, Father to Nightfall, Grandfather to Tyleet.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Hunter, Elder, Storyteller
Brownberry's lifemate and Nightfall's father. He was the tribes story teller, giving dreamberries
to the listeners to enhance their memories, though he did not need them himself. It was from Longbranch that Pike recieved
his Howlkeepers training. Longbranch was origonally called Longreach, but the event that prompted his name change is unknown.
Long-lived for a wolfrider, his days in the tribe stretched through five chiefs - from Freefoot to
Bearclaw - befor he was killed by Madcoil.
Broownberry - Lifemate of Longbranch, Mother of Nightfall
Soulname - Unknown
Clayworker, Elder, Huntress, Gatherer
Brownberry had an unfathomable need to shape clay. She was killed by Madcoil along with her Lifemat
Foxfur - Lovemat to Skywise
Soulname - Unknown
Huntress, Gaurd
Foxfur was Skywise's longtime lovemate, matching him in her love of both Dreamberries and the playfull
side of life. She was killed by Madcoil.
One-Eye - Lifemate of Clearbrook, Father of Scouter and Un-named daughter
Soulname - Sur
Hunter, Elder, Warrior
His origonal name was Woodhue, He gained his new name after humans took out his right eye.Rain could
only seal the wound but not restore the eye.Loyal to Cutter, although he still considered Cutter a cub, he never questioned
Cutter's judgement; Cutter was chief and that was that.
One-Eye was fierce in battle, especially when his cub or lifemate were in danger. It was that fierce
protectivemess that brought about his death in the forzen mountain battle.
Crescent - Daughter of Strongbow and Moonshade, Sister of Dart
Soulname - Unrevealed
Crescent was murdered by humans as a cub, while fishing in a creek. She was a feisty one, learning
the bow from her father. It was her spirit that warned the wolfriders of the danger in the troll tunnels in the Holt at Goodtree's