Greymung The Shiftless
King of the Holt Trolls. Outraged and suspicious when Cutter and his Wolfriders invaded his throne
room, even going so far as to strike Skywise as he investigated a great lodestone, he turned into a quivering ravvit when
Cutter approached him with NewMoon in hand. Luckely for Greymung, Cutter was only swinging to chip off a piece of the lodestone
for Skywise. Greymung got the better of the Wolfriders, however, (or so he thought) by persuading them into traveling down
the tunnel of light - therby tricking them into crossing the burning waste.
Greymung was a fine figure of a troll in his younger days. He led a revolt against Guttlekraw, driving
him back to the frozen mountains and takeing the crown. His later years saw him fat and lazy and without the respect of his
subject. Years later Greymung was overthrown by Guttlekraw.
King of the Forzen Mountain Trolls. He led his trolls south into the area that became the Father
Tree Holt. After a short stay, Guttlekraw took some of the trolls north againto the Frozen Mountains, Leaving the remainder
(not by choice) to be ruled by Greymung. Years later, Guttlekraw returned and attacked Greymung, devouring the defeated thr
Troll King and enslaving most of his people.
While Greymung may have been crafty and calculating, Guttlekraw was outright viscious and cruel,
ordering the tourture of Mekda, Osek, and Ekuar, and wearing as his crown a string adorned with several fingers. Deposed during
the elf-troll war he was set upon by wolves in his own thrown room. Responding to Cutter's remark that the kill should be
clean, Kahvi decapitated the old troll king with a single stroke of her sword.
Picknose has gone from king to refugee and back again more often than any troll on Abode, primarily
because of his ability to do the unexpected. His name was inspired by his most prominent facial feature, which resembles the
"curved business end of a pick." Picknose's interactions with the Wolfriders have been mixed at best. He once trapped the
Wolfriders in the Burning Waste and on another occation tried to steal the key in the pommel of Cutter's sword. Later the
elves somewhat reluctantly rescued Picknose and his fellow slaves from Guttlekraw's pits. An uneasy alliance forming between
the elves and Picknose's trolls, their combined forces won the Elf-Troll War.
Picknose's up-and-down luck wasn't done with him yet, and he subsequently lost his crown in a game
of toss-stones. This left him without future prospects and almost without his beloved, Oddbit. But when he was taken (against
his will) to the New Land with Old Maggoty, Oddbit, and their daughter Trinket, he started a new kingdom filled with his descendants.
During the majority of the time that the Palace was gone, Picknose safeguarded the cocoons of the Wolfriders, opening them
only after the Palace returned. Nothing is known of what happened to him after the Djun's War.
Oddbit embodies all the maidenly virtues: greed, deception, opportunism, manipulativeness, coyness,
vanity, and fickleness.She is the ultimate material girl, adorning the footstools of both King Greymung and King Guttlekraw.
Oddbit kept Picknose hanging on for years. When Picknose became king of the Frozen Mountain trolls, Oddbit sensed that the
ante was finally high enough and agreed to be his queen. However, true to her troll-gender, she had second thoughts when Picknose
lost his crown, wanting to "stay behind and take her chances." Picknose was having none of that, and dragged her off. Oddbit
made the best of it. Oddbit regained a crown in the New Land where she became the matriarch of an entire colony of trolls
with her persistent sweetheart.
Spoiled Brat, First born to Picknose and Oddbit
Trinket is the dreamberry of her father's eye and she knows it. She had been extremely spoiled from birth by her parents,
and knows that if all else fails, her copious tears and hysterical screams can cause the sternest adult to quail. For the
longest time, Trinket considered Ekuar to be another father (which rankled Picknose to no end). She carries an enormous torch
for Mender and considers Ember a great playmate. Trinket and Ember are often seen trading insults and ugly faces. Trinket
is a typical child, always getting into trouble.
No longer a child she is for some reason residing under Drubbs rule. She is an ugly troll maiden, still spoiled and still
infatuated with Mender.
Old Maggoty
Mistress of Herb Lore, Creater of Dreamberry Juice
Old Maggoty was caught by Bearclaw one night stealing dreamberries from the bushes near the Father
Tree Holt. She and Bearclaw then became liaisons for their respective peoples in trading matters. Old Maggoty is a master
of herb lore, and is renowned for her secret recipe for brewing the juice of dreamberries into dreamberry wine, a potent lavender
distillation that can set even the strongest-stomached elf on his pointed ear. Old Maggoty never has thought much of Picknose,
figuring he'd never amount to much, even though his heart seemed to be in the right place. However, Oddbit has remained, in
her own insouciant way, faithful to him, despite Old Maggoty's disapproval.
Queen of the Howling Rock Trolls
Drub had the disposition and manners of any other troll maiden until she met Kahvi. From that day on,
Drub realized a troll maiden could do anything that a male troll could do. Drub and her brother Flam yearned for the profit
(and adventure) that a quest with the Wolfriders would surely bring. She chose to team up with Cutter because he "gets in
the deepest dung and always comes up with gold." To her, battle is just work to be done, and she likes to get on with it.
It is not surprising that she has forged a kingdom under the Howling Rock Holt.
Flam - Brother of Drub
Flam wanted nothing more than to make a name for himself - as well as a horde. He joined Cutter and
his band on the assault of the Citadel for the treasure. Flam's sensitive toes could seek out Two-Edge's most devious pitfalls.
After an extremely rocky start, a most unusual friendship was born between Flam and Mender. Flam, unwilling to see Mender
die from a crossbow bolt, goaded the elf into healing himself - and only the healer's fury with Flam kept Mender from "going
out." Mender returned the favor when Flam was critically wounded by a fall from a shelf of rock.
Other Trolls not pictured
Scruff - The troll on gaurd dutty the night the Wolfriders were burned from there
Thuggop - Prodded Bailon to inved the SunVillage, feining interest in Bailons Human
tribe to gain his own ends.
Wile-Eye - a contemporary of Flam and Drub. He helped releas Cutter and his band
from wrapsleep when the palace returned.
Other decendants of Picknose include - Duff, Crackteeth, and Frak
- who tried and failed to protect the wolfriders cocoon from Kahvi, Wadsack, and Pusgums,
Two of the troll that gambled over Cutter's predicament in the wolf infested trap and who were quickly killed by Cutter and
Itchback - The impetuous young troll that broke from cover near Two-Edges Wolf Trap.
Dregg - a troll who died in the final battle of the Elf-Troll war
Redrash - A troll who tried to cheat Cutter in a deal for a metal sling shot.
Shove, Oren, Dook, Grutch, Gaptooth, and Trickster