I started reading
ElfQuest at eight years old on my livingroom floor. I got instantly into it and started drawing the elves.
I wasn't very good back then but have gotten steadily better. I started collecting and learning as much as I could and became
attached to Moonshade. My first comic book was Hidden Years number 1, With Strongbow on the cover, of course. I started a
club that had many members come and go through the years, all chooseing characters that paralelled their own personalities.
I met a lot of interesting people and played wolfrider with all of them. Now I still collect and draw and hope to show you
all some of my drawings.
I am putting as much information on my site as I can
gather. I have been to a lot of sites and have'nt found one complete site yet. I wanted to make one site that a person can
go to to find anything they were looking for and some they didn't think they needed. If you have any questions about anything
elfquest or not, please email me and I will look up the answer. Enjoy my site.

My Moonshade Fan Site |

My Role playing site - Want to adopt an elf? |
Here are some links to my other favorite sites.
