Surge - (Deceased) Son of Coral (D) and ? (D), Lifemate
to Skimmer (D), Father to Snakeskin.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Chief of Wavedancers, Watershaper
Surge was devastated when his lifemate, Skimmer, was killed by humans. It was as if he had lost a piece
of his soul. He disappeared into the depths with her body and the tribe thought he had died with his mate. Unsure if the tribe
would want him back, nonetheless, Surge unexpectedly returned a year later, using his watershaping magic to kill humans who
threatened the tribe. The reunion between Snakeskin and Surge continues to be strained and clouded by many as-yet-unanswered
questions. Surge's attitudes have changed since his self-imposed exile. He now believes that leaving Crest Point is the only
way to deal with the drylanders.
When Brill let the tribe know of the Wolfriders and Sunstream coming to her Surge freaked out. He didn't
want anyone coming to his home for fear of danger. He forced everyone to fallow him far away leaving behind only Brill and
a couple of others. Later, on the Rain soaked Rock where they took a break from Surge's magic water vortex, the palace called
to the others and they could help themselves no longer, They went to the palace forcing Surge to fallow them. When he got
to the Palace he ended up in a confrontation with Cutter, and in the end he stole Cutter away into a cave until his people
would listen to his reason. Finally, Snakeskin decided to confront his father and this ended up in a fight to the death. With
his powers, Surge threw water at Snakskin, but instead it hit the walls of the cave Cutter was in, and it callapsed the cave.
Surge died saving Cutter's life. His spirit now resides in the Palace with his mate Skimmer.

Snakeskin - Son of Skimmer (D) and Surge (D)
Soulname - Unrevealed
Chief of the Wavedancers, Healer, Coralshaper
Snakeskin became the reluctant leader of the new WaveDancers when his father, Surge, disappeared. Headstrong
and unshakable in his beliefs, Snakeskin has been described as taciturn and broody. He was shocked when Surge returned from
self-imposed exile. Almost from the moment of Surge's return, Snakeskin has been at odds with his father. Foremost in their
disagreements is how to deal with the drylanders. Snakeskin is vehemently opposed to leaving their home of Crest Point. Ever
the devil's advocate, Snakeskin sometimes thinks too much when action is what is needed. His ability to shape coral has helped
to protect Crest Point. His healing magic was just recently drawn out by his father.
When he learned of the wolfriders and the palace through Brill he was willing to stay and meet
them. His father had other ideas and forcedd the tribe to leave their home. Snakeskin stayed dwith Brill and a few others
and met the palace and it' occupants. Later, the rest of the wavedancers joined them and Snakeskin ha to fight his father
to save Cutter. In the end, Surge diverted a killer surge of water from his son to the cave area where Cutter was being
held. Surge was killed trying to save Cutter, and Snakekin became leading chief once again. He was happy to know that
his father was finally happy in death.

Spray - Lifemate of Salt, Mother of Foam, Grandmother
of Puffer
Soulname - Unrevealed
She seems to be one of the tribal elders in the WaveDancer Colony, and Spray is often the voice of
calm and reason in the tribe.

Salt - Lifemate of Spray, Father of Foam, Grandfather
of Puffer
Soulname - Unrevealed
Salt seems to be one the eldest of the WaveDancers, along with Longfin and Spray. He is the only
WaveDancer in this tribe who regularly maintains a shapechanged tail. Whether this is a result of Selfshaping or Fleshshaping
is unknown. Salt can often be seen with Surge or Snakeskin, always ready to offer them advice or council.
(information by Soulfire of Scroll of Colors)

Foam - Daughter of Spray and Salt, Lifemate of Strand,
Mother of Puffer
Soulname - Unrevealed
Gatherer, mother
She can usually be found tending nets in the kelp forests.

Strand - Son of Redcrest and Pearl (D), Brother of Kroosh,
Lifemate of Foam, Father to Puffer
Soulname - Unrevealed
Weaver, Net maker
Strand was a very shy and withdrawn elf until his recent Recognition with Foam. He is the expert
weaver in the WaveDancer tribe. Now he finds new joy in the sea, and he is a doting father to his young son.
(Information by Soulfire from Scroll of Colors)

Puffer - Son of Foam and Strand, Grandson of Salt and
Spray & Redcrest and Pearl (D), Nephew of Kroosh
Puffer often plays with Moonmirror and Tumble. He is the youngest member of the WaveDancer tribe
at Crest Point.

Longfin - Lifemate to both Pirn (D) and Shadowcrest
(D), Mother to both Darshek (by pirn) and Sandsparkle (by Shadowcrest), Grandmother to ?.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Elder, Rockshaper
Both her Lifemates are said to have been killed by humans. Longfin seems to be one of the elders
in the WaveDancer Colony. A gifted Rockshaper, Longfin can be seen shaping sand sculptures for the younger pips, and she is
probably responsible for shaping and maintaining the many caves at Crest Point.
(Information by Soulfire from Scroll of colors)

Darshek - Son of Pirn (D) and Longfin, Half Brother
of Sandsparkle, Lovemate to Krill
Soulname - Unrevealed
Darshek may have inherited some of his mother’s Rockshaping talent. He also has a wicked sense
of humour and a curiosity that often gets him into trouble. Darshek was one of the scouts sent from the colony to find a safe
passage to travel. He was captured by humans when he strayed aboard Ardan Djarum's ship, and left nearly dead from the plague-spawn
poison. He was eventually rescued and cured, and he was one of the first WaveDancers to ever enter the Palace of the High
Ones. (information by Soulfire on Scroll of colors)

Krill - Twin sister to Brill, Lovemate to Darshek
Soulname - Unrevealed
Gaurd, Fighter, Hunter
Krill is a no-nonsense warrior and hunter of the tribe, and she can usually be seen defending her
tribe from sharks or spear-fishing off the reef. She was among the first WaveDancers to meet the Wolfriders and see the Palace
of the High Ones. (Information from Soulfire on the Scroll of colors)

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