Brill - Twin Sister to Krill and Lifemate to Sunstream
Soulname - Unrevealed
Brill was devastated when her lovemate Skimback recognized Sandsparkle. She desperately wanted recognition
to have children of her own. In the end, she asked for forgiveness for being foolish about it. She is a gentle nurturer, wishful
and sensitive. She has a good natured relationship with Spine, who never fails to bring a smile to her face.
She recognized Sunstream from far away in the dream state. His soul found hers and they visited nightly
until he was abil to come to her. The met and consumated their recognition, then She was left behind while he returned to
the palace leaving a promise to return to her. She was one of the first wavedancers to enter the palace of the highones.
She is denning with Skimback and his lifemate Sandsparkle.

Skimback -
Over protective Lifemate to Sandsparkle and once lovemate to Brill.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Skimback is a Healer, one of several Healers in the WaveDancer colony. He has constantly been working
to restore the Broken One to his former self, and with the help of Leeatah, Skimback and the presence of the Palace he was
finally able to succeed. He recognized Sandsparkle much to the dismay of Brill and fathered a child that died in infancy.
He now shares a den with Brill and his lifemate Sandsparkle

Redcrest - Lifemate to Pearl (D), Father to Kroosh and
Strand, Grandfather to Puffer.
Soulname - Unrevealed
He seems to be a worrior type, always ready to fight when needed and protective of hi own.

Kroosh - Son of Redcrest and Pearl (D), Brother
to Strand, Uncle of Puffer
Soulname - Unrevealed
Scout, Worrior
He is a very impulsive WaveDancer, and he is said to be one of the bravest fighters and warriors
in the colony. He was also among the scouts sent out to search for a clear path past the humans’ ships.
(information by Soulfire from Scroll of Colors)

Spine - Lovemate to No-Ripple, Friend of Snakeskin and
Spine is the confidante of both Snakeskin and Brill. He is the storyteller of the WaveDancers. Ever
the joker, he considers himself quite the eligible bachelor. He is who usually tries to cheer up Brill, calling her Limpet.
Always the arbiter, he tries to find a concession. He is always full of curiosity. He stayed with Brill to await the palace
of the highones and was one of the frist to enter the palace.

No-Ripple - Recognized to Stormsong, Mother
of Tumble, Lovemate to Spine
Soulname - Unrevealed
No less than Spine, No-Ripple is a true friend and loyal ally to Snakeskin. She laughs freely and
loves deeply - just ask Spine. She is known to have one child, Tumble. She is bold and decisive in defense of Tumble and the
rest of the tribe.

Tumble - Son of No-Ripple and Stormsong (D), Playmate
of Moonmirror
Soulname - Unrevealed
He is one of the youngest WaveDancers in colony at Crest Point. Tumble is a close friend of Moonmirror
and Puffer. He is said to have his father's spirit and determination.

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