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New Wavdancers Who's Who: Three


Haze and Farbright - (Deceased) Possably Brill and Krill's parents.
Killed by humans


Moonmirror - Daughter of Drift (D) and Fairshell (D). playmate of Tumble.
She was orphaned as a young child when her parents, along with several other WaveDancers, were killed by humans. She is now being raised by the entire WaveDancer colony. Moonmirror appears to have developed a strong infatuation for her chief Snakeskin, though she is mostly seen in the company of Tumble and Puffer.(information by Soulfire from Scroll of Colors)


Drift and Fairshell - (Deceased) Parents of Moonmirror,

Killed by humans


Sandsparkle - Daughter of Longfin and ShadowCrest (D), Lifemate of Skimback and mother of deceased child.
 Lifemate of Skimback, mother of a child that died as an infant. She still reels from the death. Gender of the child is unknown. She lives in a den with Skimback and Brill. She has a mind of her own and hates how over protective Skimback is of her.


Zephyr - One of the wavedancer's that went in search of a new and safer home. His band landed in Cavern Song and were killed by humans in an ambush.


Wavecatcher -
Wavecatcher uses this ability to give himself a tail. He left Crest Point with a group of the WaveDancers in order to find a safe haven after the first human attack. He has been living alone in the Forevergreen for a long time, and has only recently begun his search for his lost tribemates. Wavecatcher has now teamed up with Windkin, and they recently encountered Wavelet. He is the elf Yun saw in the water in the forever green and he is looking for her.


 she was only a baby when the wavedancer group had setteled in their new home CavernSong and the humans ambushed them. She is one of the few survivors of Zephyrs group of WaveDancers. She was taken in by a seperate group of humans and raised by them. She was thought of as a god by the humans because of her plantshaping abilities. The humans who raised her named her the Good Spirit of Plenty. hundreds of years later, she was rescued by Wavecatcher and Windkin.


Reef -
He travelled far from the WaveDancer colony and during this time he came across Winnowill on Fledgling's Rest. In his attempt to heal the defeated Winnowill, she fought back thinking he was Leetah. In her desperation to avoid healing, she lashed out with her powers, and this severely deformed and disfigured Reef. This left him with a hideously deformed body and a cracked mind. He somehow managed to return to Crestpoint and became known only as the Broken One. Reef spent many thousands of years trapped in this form. Reef`s body and mind was eventually restored in the Palace of the High Ones, thanks to the combined efforts of Leetah, Skimback and Snakeskin.
(information by Soulfire of Scroll of Colors)

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