Dart - Son of Strongbow and Moonshade, Brother to Crescent (D), and Chitter.
Lifemate to Serrin and father to Bowki, Soul brother to Shushen (D) and Kimo.
Soulname - Dyrr
Hunter, warrior, founder and leader of the Jackwolf Riders, Shuna's companion
Dart was four years old when he and the other Wolfriders were burned out of the Father Tree Holt. Although
he was born a Wolfrider, he considers the Sun Village his real home. Dart chose to stay behind with the Sun Villagers to become
their hunter, protector, and teacher. He leads what have become known as the Jackwolf Riders. The battle with the Go-Backs
over the Little Palace changed something inside Dart. He worked to rebuild the Sun Village, but could not escape the memories
of the battle and the death of his soul brother, Shushen.
Being sealed in wrapstuff did not prevent his Recognition by Serrin, the daughter of Wing and Behtia.
It was their son, Bowki, who brought Dart a measure of happiness again and a chance to forget the past for a while. Dart has
led the Jackwolf Riders on a quest of their own. When Windkin traveled to the Forevergreen Forest in search of the source
of a strange sending, Dart and his small band (made of Kimo, Dodia, Yun, Jethel, Chot, Shenshen, and Suntop) followed. After
their adventure in the Forevergreen Forest, Dart returned to the original Father Tree Holt with his parents. He enjoys spending
time with his little sister Chitter and i a companion/gaurd of Shuna.

Newstar - Daughter of Rainsong (D) and Woodlock (D), Sister to Wing (D)
and Mender, Recognized to Lutei (D), Mother of Kimo.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Weaver, seamstress, gatherer, and water-bearer
Newstar is one of the most enigmatic and mysterious members of the Wolfriders. Very little is known
about the elf behind dreamy smiles, and it has been said that Newstar is "... one of the "elfiest" elves we have!" [see The
Big Elfquest Gatherum]. Like her parents and siblings, Newstar found in the peace and serenity of the Sun Village a
place to call home, a child of the desert unwilling to return with the rest of the Wolfriders to the forests. It is known
that Newstar Recognized a Sun Villager, killed during the Go-Backs' invasion, His name was Lutei and they recognized away
from the Sunvillage on their way to help the wolfriders in the Forbidden Grove. Their son, Kimo, was himself mortally wounded
during the battle with the Go-Backs, and Newstar chose to join him in wrapsleep to await the return of Leetah, and the healing
of her son. After the war with the Djun and the rebirth of the Palace, she finally decided to return with Cutter's new tribe
to the woodlands of her birth.

Kimo - Son of Newstar and a Sunvillager named Lutei, Soulmate of
Soulname - Unrevealed
Shapechanger, Hunter, Gaurd, Scout, Timmain's pupil and Shuna's traveling companion
Kimo is the son of Wolfrider Newstar and Sunvillager Lutei. He grew up in the Sunvillage and joined
Darts band of Jackwolfriders. He came to Palace with Dart and is now a Wolfrider in Cutter's Tribe, Living in the Origonal
Holt of Darts birth. Timmain has taught him the art of Shape changeing and so far he can change into a wolf. He keeps
the human girl Shuna comapany and is her gaurdian along with Dart.

Mender - Son of Rainsong (D) and Woodlock (D), Brother of Wing (D) and
Newstar, Lovemate to Yun, Student of Leetah.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Healer, warrior, hunter, and gatherer
Though born and raised in the Sun Village, Mender is a full-blooded Wolfrider. The son of Woodlock
and Rainsong, Mender inherited the healer's gift of his grandfather, Rain - but got his full share of Wolfrider fierceness
as well. When the Go-Backs invaded the Sun Village to steal the Little Palace, Mender surprised even himself with his fierceness.
Mender has always held Cutter and Leetah to be his heroes, and many of his life-decisions have been based on that admiration.
Mender seeks a balance between the wolf and healer in him, striving to gain equilibrium as Leetah, the greatest of healers,
and Cutter, the mightiest of warriors, have managed to find. When Mender learned of Cutter's long sleep to await the Palace's
return, he was drawn to join them in suspended animation.
After the Palace returned, Mender traveled to Thorny Mountain Holt to train under the auspices of Leetah.
His dreams were fulfilled when he accompanied the Wolfriders to retrieve the Palace shards - his first quest under the legendary
Cutter's leadership. After that quest was fulfilled, he joined Ember at Howling Rock Holt to track down the rest of Winnowill's
creatures. There he vied for Ember's affections with Tier. He ended up giving in to what Ember wanted and took up tumbling
in the furs with Yun. He lives now in Khulki Mountain Holt. He is fasinated with humans and has taken to shaping himself to
look human so he can interact with them and learn more about them.

Yun - Daughter of Skywise and Unrevealed Go-Back, Lovemate of Mender, adopted
mother of the human Khorbasi.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Warrior, hunter, and guard
Yun is, so far, the only acknowledged child of Skywise. Like her father, the desire for quests seems
to be in the blood. Yun's Go-Back half is evidenced by her impatience and temper, and a real a gift for imaginative profanity.
Her rashness gets her in trouble, often leaving her unprepared, alone and an easy target for humans. She joined Kahvi
in her quest to steal the little palace from the sunvillagers and it was there she decided to wait for Cutter's
return with the palace, as a gaurd for her chiefs wrapstuffed body, and for a chance to meet her father? She went
with Dart into the rainforest with Suntop and the others and an encounter with a WaveDancer in a pool near the rebel human
camp, has left Yun wistful and unsure of the episode's reality. After a brief stay with Skywise, Yun joined Ember on her quest
to rid the World of Two Moons of Winnowill's shapechanged creatures. She fallwed Ember to live on Khulki's Mountain, where
she adopted a human child named Khorbasi, and raised him to be feared by other humans. He lives there now with Embers tribe.

Venka - Daughter of Kahvi (D) and Rayek, Half sister of Vaya (D) and
Tier, Close friend of Two-Edge, Lovemate of Zahntee (D).
Soulname - Unrevealed
Magic user, huntress, gatherer, and guard
Venka is cool, serene, and tranquil, an unexpected, beautifully balanced mix of her Go-Back mother,
Kahvi, and Sun Villager father, Rayek. Her impassive face is rarely crossed by emotion which makes her hard to fathom. Though
Venka was planned to be Kahvi's revenge on Rayek, the Wolfriders completed her upbringing by teaching her to love and not
to hate - and love has the power to change many things. Venka had the power to prevent Rayek from merging the two Palaces
of the High Ones. Wisely, she refused to stop him, telling Rayek that it must be his choice.
Resentment is an emotion unknown to Venka. She knows who she is and is comfortable with it. It gives
Venka a center, a calmness. Venka's strong magic ability works something like Zhantee's shielding, save that it is for sendings
rather than physical threat. She spent many years protecting the Wolfriders from Winnowill's black sendings and probes, first
encountering her nemesis as a very young cub. During the quest to recover the Palace shards, Two-Edge became her smitten protector.
Because Rayek absorbed the Black Snake's spirit, Venka is now free from Winnowill, and has set out to learn what happened
to her mother, Kahvi.

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