Cutter - son of Bearclaw (D) and Joyleaf (D), nephew of Treestump and cousin
to Dewshine. Lifemate to Leetah, father to Sunstream and Ember.
Soulname - Tam
Eleventh chief of the Wolfriders, hunter, and warrior
Cutter gained his chief's lock and the mantle of leadership as a teenager, following the death of his
father, Bearclaw. While his name denotes his skill with a sword, he is not a cold and merciless death-dealer. Cutter has always
led his tribemates, some of whom are many hundreds of years his senior, with a gentle but firm hand. Strong in his beliefs,
he will nevertheless bend even the most fundamental of them if the health and well being of his tribe is at stake. Skywise,
his closest friend, believes that the traits setting Cutter apart from all past Wolfrider chieftains are his imagination and
ability to not only accept change, but take advantage of it.
Though Cutter had early on been described as "... artless, frank hearted, and wild as a beast of prey
...", age and Leetah's influence have mellowed him. After the quest to recover the Shards of the Palace, Cutter bid farewell
to his daughter, Ember, at Howling Rock Holt so she could lead her own tribe of Wolfriders. Cutter, Leetah, Suntop, and most
of the older Wolfriders returned to live at the site of the original Father Tree Holt -- the place of his birth - Goodtree's
When his son Sunstream recognized Cutter gave the okay to go and meet the water dwelling elves. He
only brought a small group of his wolfriders with him. The wavedancers ran in fear leaving behind only Brill, her sister Krill,
Snakeskin and Spine. They came into the Palace and when the others were called back to the palace Surge became angry, challenging
Cutter. Cutter was held hostage as Snakeskin faught his father and almost die in a cave in. Surge saved him, but was killed
in Cutter's place.

Leetah - Daughter of Suntoucher and Toorah, Eldest (chronologicly) sister
to Shen-Shen, Lifemate to Cutter and mother to Twins Sunstream and Ember.
Soulname - None
Healer and gatherer
Leetah, whose name means "healing light," had led a safe and secure life in the Sun Village before
the arrival of the Wolfriders, Leetah grew up knowing few wants or sorrows, protected by the love of family and friends. She
used her powerful healing magic to enhance the tranquil lives of the Sun Folk. Her world was changed forever when she first
saw Cutter and felt the touch of Recognition. After an extremely rough beginning, she accepted her recognition to Cutter and
became his lifemate and the loving spiritual leader to the Wolfriders. She had two children from the recognition, Ember and
Sometimes, however, metal serves where healing will not, and on a more mundane level, Cutter has taught
Leetah to be a competent knife thrower. This was only the first of a Wolfrider's skills that Leetah found she needed as she
moved out from the boundaries of her childhood home. When Leetah went out in the world to find Cutter, she could only guess
at the dangers that she would face. Devastated when Rayek brought her forward ten thousand years, believing that Cutter must
be dead, his miraculous survival was an unsought gift. She has finally come to terms with her place in the world. She fallowed
Cutter and her son to Goodtree's rest, and then to meet her son's recodnized mate Brill.

Treestump - Chosen Lifemate to Clearbrook, Brother to Joyleaf (D), Uncle
to Cutter, Recognized Lifemate to Rillfisher (D), father to Dewshine, Grandfather to Windkin
Soulname - Unrevealed
Tribal elder, advisor, hunter, and warrior
Treestump is the oldest living Wolfrider and chief of the Wolfriders when Cutter is absent. His original
name, Birdcall, was changed by Bearclaw when he watched his friend stand like an "ol' tree stump" during a troll ambush. Seemingly
gruff and no-nonsense, he has a vulnerable side, especially when it comes to protecting his tribe. More than a thousand years
of living with "the Way" has given Treestump a well of wisdom, allowing him calm even in the face of great danger. He is something
of a father figure to the entire tribe.
Treestump was Recognized to Rillfisher, with whom he had his daughter, Dewshine. As often happens with
a Recognized couple, Treestump was consumed by grief when Rillfisher was killed by a falling branch. This early loss has made
Treestump even more fiercely protective of the family he has left; he finds it hard to wait when those he loves are in danger.
Clearbrook, another tribal elder and one who understands a lifemate's loss, has gradually come to fill the empty spaces in
Treestump's life left by Rillfisher's death. It took time, patience and healing - and the release of One-Eye's spirit - to
leave the way open for this new relationship.
Clearbrook and Treestump became mates, and eventually lifemates. They faught in the shards war together
and survived fallowing Cutter to the site of the origonal holt, Goodtree's rest. THey live there now, in the old troll caverns
where Treestump is a metal forger. He broke his axe on a rock and decided it was time to learn the ways and magic of bright
metal so his tribe could have new weapons.

Moonshade - Daughter of Brightwater (D), Lifemate to Strongbow, Mother of
Crescent (D), Dart and Chitter. Grandmother to Bowki.
Soulname - Eyrn
Tribal elder, tanner, seamstress, gatherer, and huntress, Keeper of the Way
Moonshade is the Wolfriders' tanner. Though the process can be lengthy and tedious, Moonshade
enjoys the quiet hours bringing the beauty out of supple hide. Moonshade, like her lifemate Strongbow, is quite the traditionalist,
strong-minded and with an unshakable ideology. Completely devoted to him, Moonshade defends him even when she knows him to
be wrong. Moonshade has spent more years away from her son, Dart, than with him. While she missed him terribly, Moonshade
understood and accepted that Dart was where he was needed.
Harder was her separation from Strongbow: when the archer was required to be part of the force set
to retrieve the Palace shards, Moonshade followed her own duty, leaving with Ember's new tribe. Agonized over leaving Strongbow,
she found it hard to take orders from Ember, who she felt was no more than a half-grown cub. Things only grew worse each time
Ember turned down her advice. It took a false vision of Moonshade's long-dead daughter, Crescent, to provide a bridge between
advisor and new chief. After the quest to recover the Palace shards, Moonshade was reunited with Strongbow and joined the
rest of the older members of the tribe to help reestablish the Father Tree Holt. There she recognized Strongbow again and
had another daughter, named Chitter.

Chitter - Daughter of Strongbow and Moonshade, Sister
of Dart and Crescent (dead)
Chitter is the newest addition to the Wolfrider tribe. She is a very energetic, curious, talkative,
buisy little girl. She keeps her mother on the run at all times "Quiet. Always Mama say Quiet..." and has her father twisted
around her little finger. "No Think talk Papa. Talk me like talk Shuna." She is always with her brother Dart, seeming to be
very attached to him, and seems to be very wolf like in her movments. She got her name Chitter from her need to always be
Chitter has auburn hair like her father and brother, and violet eyes like her mother.

Strongbow - Son of Trueflight (D), Lifemate of Moonshade, Father to Crescent
(D), Dart and Chitter. Grandfather to Bowki and soulbrother to Bearclaw (D).
Soulname - Wyl
Tribal elder, silent archer, hunter, and scout, Keeper of the Way
Strongbow is the reserved, silent archer of the Wolfriders. Ever the devil's advocate, Strongbow
is often right, but finds no value in saying "I told you so." He has a powerful ability to send, and is considered by his
tribe a strong magic user.
Strongbow is completely devoted to his lifemate, Moonshade, and intensely proud of their son Dart.
Strongbow will do anything to protect lifemate and cub, up to and including killing another elf - an act he committed, which
resulted in dire consequences. While at the time there was no question as to what needed to be done, the scars remained with
Strongbow for years. It took an encounter with the spirit of the murdered elf in the Palace of the High Ones to heal Strongbow
at last.
Strongbow is extremely serious, rarely smiles, and prefers sending to audible speech. He only speaks
when overcome by great emotion or to communicate to those who cannot send. While loyal, he will question his chief's judgment
when he truly believes it to be wrong. A fierce conservative and traditionalist, Strongbow rails at change and newfangled
ideas. Never the less, after the Djun war, he and Moonshade went with Cutter to rebuild the Father Tree Holt. There he recognized
his lifemate Moonshade again, and had a daughter named Chitter.

Nightfall - Daughter of Longbranch (D) and Brownberry (D), Chosen Lifemate
of Redlance and mother of Tyleet, Grandmother of Pool.
Soulname - Twen
Huntress, warrior, archer, and scout
Nightfall is the beautiful huntress-counterpoint to her lifemate, Redlance, and one of the most skilled
in the tribe. She is cool and calculated as a hunter, neither vengeful nor violent. She chooses her shots and kills for food
and protection, nothing more. Nightfall is devoted to her gentle lifemate, Redlance. She refused to be parted from him in
the Burning Waste, though she was aware it might mean her death as well as his. The relationship between Nightfall and Redlance
is very much one of yin and yang.
Nightfall is Leetah's staunchest supporter and closest friend. At least twice, Leetah has come to her
aid: first in saving Redlance in the Burning Waste, when all seemed lost; and again years later, in Nightfall's personal quest
to mother a child. Through "forcing" Recognition between Nightfall and Redlance - using her healing powers to cause conception
- Leetah was responsible for the birth of Tyleet. Nightfall grew up with Cutter and is quite loyal to him. She helped Cutter
find a measure of peace while waiting for his family to return in the Palace. She and Redlance became a second family to him
and they were able to show Cutter that "life could be sweet within the waiting,"
While they waited for the palace to return she joined Cutter and the rest in wrapstuff, but was cut
free by Kahvi who thought she was Cutter. She learned from Kahvi that Kahvi was a wolfrider, and that Kahvi wanted Cutter
to sire a child with her. Nightfall was furious and faught with Kahvi getting her to change her mind and plans. Kahvi took
Nightfall back to the trolls where she returned to wrapstuff. When the palace returned thousands of years later she was asleep
with the rest in Picknose's cavernes. When Cutter split the tribe to go after the shards she went with Ember's half of the
tribe as a worrior and tried to teach her the sword. When Cutter came back for them all, she and Redlance went with Cutter
to Goodtree's rest. The place of her birth. She lives there now.

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Ember - Daughter of Cutter and Leetah, Grand daughter of Suntoucher and Toorah,
Niece of Shen-Shen and Twin sister to Sunstream, Lifemate of Tier.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Chief of the Khulki Mountain Holt Wolfriders
Ember is the twelfth chief of the Wolfriders, leader of her half of the tribe. Fiery and spirited,
she still stands at the beginning of her tenure.
Getting her name from her fire-red hair, Ember was destined from birth to be the next chief of the
Wolfriders. Just before Cutter went off to lead a portion of the tribe to recover the Palace Shards, he charged Ember to keep
her portion of the tribe hidden and safe. She was to find a new holt, far from the danger of Grohmul Djun's Citadel. Inherent
in this commission was Cutter's command that she regain "the Way." Thus was Ember given her first test of adulthood, coming
to it at an even earlier age than Cutter. Afraid at first of making mistakes, she gained enough confidence to wear her own
chief's lock.
After the Palace was reconstructed and the Djun defeated, Ember admitted, "I must return to Howling
Rock with as many as will follow me. Winnowill may be gone, but she left behind ... terrible things ... that want cleaning
up." Cutter agreed that she should never undo her chief's lock and wished her well in her own "quest." Now living at Howling
Rock Holt, Ember leads her tribe and deals with Mender and Tier as they vie for her affections. Ember was challenged by Scouter
and lost her chief's lock to him for a short time. She was left behind to die, as is the Way, and Tier found and nursed her.
His caring for her seems to have won her affection. They are now Lifemates. She found herself while healing and tracked the
tribe down after deciding to challenge Scouter to regain what was rightfully hers, thinking Scouter crazy with rage and not
fit to lead. She got her Chief's lock back after Scouter finally saw the light and gave it back voluntarily she leads them
still. While they lived on Howling Rock they attempted to assimilate a human girl named Gifa. She turned out to be the Djunns
daughter and tried to kill them all by poisoning their food. She failed and was killed by her brother. Ember and her tribe are
now living in Khulki's Mountain holt but before they settled there they hunted the shape changed left behind by Winnowill.

Go to Mixed Bloods to see Sunstreams Info. |

Teir - Son of Kahvi (D) and ? (D), Lifemate of Ember, Half brother to
Vaya (D) and Venka.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Hunter, warrior, and animal imitator (magic user)
Teir is a mysterious and relatively new character. Close-lipped about his past, little of Teir's history
is known at this time. Ember appeared especially drawn to him at their first meeting. Teir is a master of stealth and stalking.
Spending countless years alone, Teir goes where he pleases, when he pleases and is beholden to no one. Teir has a strong affinity
for animals of any kind and seemed to attract the hideous shapechanged creatures that Winnowill created. The Master of the
Shapechanged craved Teir's powers in order to kill the Wolfriders. When Leetah killed the Master of the Shapechanged, Teir
was caught in the middle, and his sending and animal abilities were burned out. Ember was forced to issued Teir an ultimatum:
to be healed, he must leave Howling Rock and her tribe forever; if he remained without his powers, he was free to stay with
the tribe. Feeling betrayed, sure that Ember could have come up with another answer if she had tried, Teir decided to accept
the healing and left Howling Rock - but not before giving her a private promise to return someday. He made good on the promise
and returned to Howling Rock where he vied with Mender for Ember's affections. After Scouter challenged Ember and
nearly killed her to win the chief's lock he found her and took care of her till she was strong enough to after the tribe and
get her chief's lock back. This help he gave her hellped also to win over her heart. He hellped her tribe kill the rest
of Winnowill's creaters and fallowed Ember to Khulki's Mountain holt where they are now Lifemates.

Clearbrook - Recognized lifmate to One-Eye (D), mother to Scouter and an
un-named daughter (Moth? D), Lifemate to Treestump and grandmother to Pool
Soulname - Unrevealed
Tribal elder, huntress, gatherer, and warrior
Calm, dignified and thoughtful, choosing her words carefully, Clearbrook is the eldest female Wolfrider.
As an elder, her quiet advice is never overlooked. Both mother figure and warrior, Clearbrook is now an advocate of forgiveness
and letting go of the past - but the road required for her to come to that quiet understanding was harrowing. Losing her lifemate,
One-Eye, during the original Quest turned Clearbrook into a fierce and vengeful angel of death. Cutting off her long braid
and wrapping it around him seemed to cut her off from her usual gentle ways for the rest of the Elf-Troll War. Consumed with
hunger for revenge, it dulled her own survival instincts. Hope flared briefly that her lifemate might be returned to her when
Leetah tried her desperate healing on One-Eye... but failed.
It took the healing of time to allow Clearbrook to release her grief over One-Eye's death. With this
release, Clearbrook was finally free to accept all that Treestump offered. Clearbrook's encounters with Two-Edge, coupled
with the resurgence of her usual good sense and gentle nature, led her to embrace forgiveness. Clearbrook has had at least
two children in her long life, Scouter and an unnamed daughter.
She Was with Cutter when Leetah, Skywise and the twins were taken by Rayek and she slept in wrapstuff
with Cutter awaiting their return. When the palace came back and later shattered, she faught in the Shards war to retrieve
the Palace shards, then fallowed Cutter to Goodtree's rest. She lives there now in the troll cavernes with Treestump
and Ahdri helping him with his metal forging.

Redlance - Son of Blaze (D), Chosen Lifemate to Nightfall, father of Tyleet
and Grandfather of Pool
Soulname - Ulm
Plant-shaper, tracker, gatherer, herbalist, and 'Longtooth Killer' (Origonaly called
Redlance is the sweet-natured plantshaper of the Wolfriders. He received his name by saving Bearclaw
from a marauding long-tooth. Indeed, it is critical to him that he use his talents to protect the tribe. When cornered, Redlance
can certainly hold his own in a fight. But Redlance is too much of a pacifist and nurturer at heart to do willful harm, and
this gentleness makes him a natural for caring for the cubs of the tribe. Redlance is a master of the soft counsel, gently
prodding the likes of Woodlock and Ember in the right direction.
Redlance and Nightfall have been lifemates for many years, though they are not genetically Recognized.
However, because of their deep love for each other, they voluntarily exchanged soul names. In this relationship, as in the
Wolfrider tribe, Nightfall is "the sword, the spear, the arrow" and Redlance "the flower, the tree, the vine." Later, with
the help of Leetah and the Palace's magic, they "forced" Recognition and gave birth to a daughter, Tyleet. At the end of the
quest to recover the Palace shards, Redlance returned with the rest of the older members of the tribe to help reestablish
the Father Tree Holt.