Petalwing - The closest thing the preservers have to a leader and was the first preserver to have
significant interactions with the Wolfriders.
Berrybuzz - The closest thin Petalwing may have to an arch-enemy, or at least a personal gadfly.
Berry buzz seems to be partial to Wolfrider chiefs, and helped Cutter to "convince" Olbar that Nonna and Adar should be permitted
to travel with Cutter back to the Hoan-G'Tay-Sho.
Bumbleclaw - Accompanied Ember's tribe to Howling Rock.
Tickletoe - was the resident preserver when the palace shattered. Accompanied Mender, Aroree and
Flam during the assault on Citadel Mound.
Tittersweet - Was runn over by one of Two-Edges cutting machines, and later healed by Mender. It
accompanied Strongbow, Skot and Krim during the assault on Citadel Mound.
Willowsnap - Accompanied Windkin to the forevergreen, and rescued Windkin and Ahn-Lai from the
dungein in the temple of the sky spirit.
Littlesky - sealed many sunfolk in wrapstuff during the desperat times that fallowed the vocanic
eruption and the Go-Back invasion.
Bitterscreech - Accompanied Clearbrook and Treestump during the assault on Citadel Mound.
Nutbonnet - Was the first preserver in the forbidden grove to find the troll intruder, Grutch.
Waterleaf - also encountered Grutch.
No-Wing - A wingless preserver that lives with the origonal Wavedancers.
Rosie - a genetically altered Preserver who lives in the time of the future folk. Rosie contains
both human and Preserver DNA, maintaining some of the same racial memories, speech patterns and the overexcitable personality
of a preserver. The size of a small human and lacking wings.