Cutter's Tribe Before the Fire
- Treestump - Father of Dewshine
- Clearbrook - Lifemate of one-Eye, Mother of Scouter
- One-eye - Lifemate of Clearbrook, Father of Scouter
- Redlance - Lovemate of Nightfall
- Nightfall - Lovemate of Redlance
- Strongbow - Lifemate of Moonshade, Father of Creascent and Dart
- Moonshade - Lifemate of Strongbow, Mother of Crescent and Dart
- Dart - Cub of Moonshade and Strongbow
- Woodlock - Lifemate of Rainsong, Father of Newstar and Wing
- Rainsong - Lifemate of Woodlock, Mother of Newstar adn Wing
- Newstar - Cub of Rainsong and Woodlock, Sister of Wing
- Wing - Cub of Rainsong and Woodlock, Brother of Newstar. A baby when
the forest burned.
- Pike - Half Brother of Rainsong
- Skywise - Advisor to Cutter
- Dewshine - Daughter of Treestump, Lovemate of Scouter
- Scouter - Son of One-Eye and Clearbrook, Lovemate of Dewshine
Cutter's Tribe after the Elf-Troll War
- Leetah - Cutter's Lifemate, Mother of Suntop and Ember
- Ember - Daughter of Leetah and Cutter, Twin sister of
- Suntop - Son of Leetah and Cutter, Twin Brother of Ember,
Later to change his name to Sunstream
- Treestump - Lifemate of Clearbrook
- Clearbrook - Lifemate of Treestump
- Strongbow - Lifemate of Moonshade, Father of Crescent,
Dart and an as yet un-named Daughter
- Moonshade - Lifemate of Strongbow, Mother of Crescent,
Dart and an as yet un-named daughter
- Zhantee - Lovemate of Venka
- Venka - Daughter of Rayek and Kahvi, Lovemate of Zhantee
- Nightfall - Lifemate of Redlance, Mother of Tyleet
- Redlance - Lifemate of Nightfall, Father of Tyleet
- Tyleet - Daughter of Redlance and Nightfall, Recognized
with Scouter, adopted mother of Littlepatch the Human.
- Scouter - Son of Clearbrook and One-Eye, Lifemate of Tyleet
and Dewshine, Father of Pool, Adopted father of Windkin
- Dewshine - Recognized to Tyldak,
Mother of Windkin, Threesom mateing with Scouter and Tyleet
- Mender - Son of Rainsong and Woodlock, Brother of Newstar
and Wing. Lovemate of Ember
- Shen-Shen - Sister of Leetah
- Skywise - Lovemate of Aroree
- Aroree - Lovemate of Skywise
- Windkin - Son of Tyldak and Dewshine
- Pike - threemated with Skot and Krim, Possable father of Chieper
- Skot - Threemated with Pike and Krim, Possable father of Chieper
- Krim - Threemated with Pike and Skot, Mother of Chieper
- Rayek - Son of Jarrah and Ingen, Once Lovemate of Leetah and Kahvi, Father
of Venka, Lovemate of Winnowill
- Ekuar - Teacher and Father figure to Rayek, Firstborn
of the Highones
- LittlePatch - Adopted Human son of Tyleet
Cutter's Tribe after the split with Ember
- Leetah
- Sunstream - New name of Suntop, Lifemate of Brill
- Treestump
- Clearbrook
- Strongbow
- Moonshade
- Dart - Recognized to Serrin (daughter of Wing and Behtia), Father of Bowki,
Brother of yet un-named sister
- Kimo - Son of Newstar and Sunfolk male, Lovemate of Dart
- Newstar - Recognized to Sunvillager Male ,Mother of Kimo
- Redlance
- Nightfall
- Skywise - Lovemate of Timmain
- Shen-Shen
- Ahdri - Lifemate of Windkin
- Shuna - Human adopted by Cutter and Leetah
Ember's Tribe after the Split
- Teir - Lovemate of Ember
- Mender - Lovemate of Yun
- Yun - Daughter of Skywise and a Go-Back, Lovemate of Mender, adopted Mother
of Khorbasi the human.
- Pike - Lifemate of Krim, Possable father of Sust
- Krim - Lifemate of Pike, Mother of Sust
- Sust - Son of Krim, Pike and Skot
- Tyleet - Threemated with Scouter and Dewshine, Mother of Pool
- Pool - Son of Scouter and Tyleet
- Scouter - Threemated with Dewshine and Tyleet, Father of Pool
- Dewshine - Threemated with Scouter and Tyleet
- Khorbasi - A human adopted by Yun