- Joyleaf - Bearcla's Lifemate, Mother of Cloudchaser (later named Cutter)
- Brightwater - Lovemate of Mantricker, Mother of Moonshade
- Moth
- River
- Far-Touch
- Briar
- Trueflight - Mother of Strongbow
- Amber - Later changed her name to Brownberry, Lifemate of Longbranch, Mother
of Nightfall
- Strongbow - Son of Truflight, Lifemate of Moonshade, Father of Crescent, Dart
- Moonshade - Daughter of Brightwater, Lifemate of Strongbow, Mother of Crescent
and Dart
- Pike - Son of Rain and Dewdrop, Half Sister of Rainsong
- Foxfur - Lovemate of Skywise
- Longbranch - Lifemate of Brownberry, Father of Nightfall
- Birdsong - Later changed his name to Treestump
- Rillfisher - Lifemate to Birdsong, Mother of Dewshine
- Shale - Lifemate to Eyeshigh, Father of Skywise
- Eyeshigh - Lifemate to Shale, Mother of Skywise
- Skywise - son of Shale and Eyeshigh, Lovemate of Foxfur
- Cutter - Son of Bearclaw and Joyleaf
- Redmark - Later changed his name to Redlance
- Nightfall - Daughter of Longbranch and Brownberry, Lovemate
of Redmark
- Woodlock - Lifemate of Rainsong
- Rain - Father of Rainsong and Pike
- Rainsong - Daughter of Rain, Half Sister of Pike, Lifemate
of Woodlack
- Crescent - First born daughter of Strongbow and Moonshade,
sister of Dart
- Dewshine - Daughter of Birdsong and Rillfisher, Lovemate
of Scouter
- Scouter - Son of One-Eye and Clearbrook, Lovemate of Dewshine
- One-Eye - Son of Fernhare and Owl, Brother of Longbranch,
Lifemate to Clearbrook, Father of Scouter and un-named daughter
- Clearbrook - Lifemate of One-Eye, mother of Scouter and
Un-named daughter
- Brownberry - Lifemate of Longbranch, Mother of Nightfall