- Lionleaper - Goodtree's Recognized Lifemate, Father of Speedwell and Mantricker
- Acorn - Goodtree's other Lifemate, Songshaper
- Chipper
- Freshet
- Willow
- Weaver
- Oakarrow
- Evenstar
- Silvertwig
- Snowfell
- Longbranch - Lifemate of Brownberry, Brother of Woodhue
- Spinner
- Longleaf
- Brightlance
- Fern
- Brightwater - Mother of Moonshade and a few others
- Waterfall
- Fireweed - Lifemate of Speedwell, Father of Spark
- Spark - Parent of Blaze
- Speedwell - Daughter of Lionleaper and Goodtree, Lifemate of Fireweed, Mother
of Spark