- Willowgreen - daughter of Rellah, Lifemate of Two-Spear, Recognized to Greywolf
- Greywolf - Cousin to Two-spear, Son of Windwhisper and Kreanne, Brother of
- Icetooth - Huntress Skyfire's Lovemate, Went with Two-spear when the tribe
split, teacher to Kahvi
- Rellah - Mother to a bunch of chlidren
- Huntress Skyfire - Lovemate of Icetooth, Half sister of Two-spear, Daughter
of Prey-Pacer and Wreath
- Dreamsinger - Skyfire's Lifemate, father of Nightstar
- Stonethrower - Killed Dreamsinger and was banished from
the tribe.
- Sapling - Later changed her name to Springwillow
- Goldwing
- Sun
- White-Pebble
- Red Deer
- Nightdancer
- Twigleaf
- Pine
- Spearhand
- Briarleaf
- Skimmer
- Rockarm - Father of Sunflame
- Sunflame - Cub of Rockarm
- Thornbranch
- Redbark - named blood of chief's when Two-spear defeated Kahvi in a chalenge