- Wreath - Recognized to PreyPacer, Mother of Skyfire
- Softfoot - PreyPacer's Lifemate, Mother of Twospear and Dove
- Dampstar
- Rellah - Mother of Eldolil and Wasp, among others
- Amber
- Hummer - Later changed her name to Songshaper,
Lifemate of Stringsong, Mother of Acorn
- Merewood - Recognized to Greywolf
- Quill
- Moonwisp - Lifemate of Blade, Mother of Songshaper
- Blade - Lifemate of Moonwisp, Father of Songshaper
- Brightwing
- Oaktree - Lovemate to Skyfire
- Drum
- Mist
- Windwhisper - Lifemate of Starfall, Recognized to Kreanne, Father of Star
Dancing, Jewelshaper, Goodstalker, Darkwind, Moonfire
- Treehopper
- Yarrow
- Starfall - Lifemate of Windehisper, Mother of Star Dancing, Jewelshaper, and
- Wasp - daughter of Rellah and Sharpears
- Sundown - Recognized to Windwhisper and ?, Mother of Thyme and Whistle
- Maplebreak - Lifemate to Darkwind, Father to Greywing
- Long Walk - Lifemate of Dove, Father of Greenglow and
- Breeze
- Suntail - Cub of Long Walk and Dove, Sibling of Greenglow
- Sunnyvale
- Windy
- Pinecone
- Opal
- Star Dancing - Cub of Windwhisper and Starfall, sibling of Goodstalker
and Jewelshaper
- Whistle - cub of Sundown and ?, Half sibling of Thyme
- Darkwind - Cub of Windwhisper and Talen, Sibling of Moonfire
- Moonfire - Cub of Windwhisper and Talen, Sibling of Darkwind
- Goodstalker - cub of Windwhisper and Starfall, sibling of Jewelshaper and
Star Dancing
- Thyme - Cub of Windwhisper and Sundown, Half sibling of Whistle
- Jewelshaper - Lifemate of Greenglow, sibling of Star Dancing and Goodstalker,
cub of Starfall and Windwhisper
- Greenglow - Son of Long Walk and Dove, Sibling of Suntail, Lifemate of Jewelshaper
- Eldolil - Son of Rellah