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Wavedancers Whos Who:Two


Jormak - lover of Winnowill, son of Rhialdor and Kirith, older brother of Barmek
Lead Hunter and weapon maker

First Appearance - EQ/WD#1 (December 1993 [OOP], p5)
Current Status - Alive
Description - Jormak is slightly taller than his younger brother Barmek. He has long coal-black hair that is tightly drawn back and threaded through seashells giving it the appearance of a long braid. His eyes are a deep golden-brown and quite piercing. Jormak has a strong and powerful physique which he maintains through disciplined sporting activities. He tends to be self-absorbed and has complete disregard for the values and feelings of others. He is very much into the physical, not given to contemplation or development of his inner resources. He is the lead hunter with a fascination for inventing weapons for defence and conquest. He is cunning and shrewd and can be manipulative at times, and certainly not be laughed at for it would raise his wrath. With dark rugged looks and an intense sexual aggression, he is popular with many of the WaveDancers. His sire is Rhialdor, and his mother is Kirith.


Sleia - Daughter of Lazik and Shoesabee

First Appearance - EQ/WD#1 (December 1993 [OOP], p6)
Current Status - Alive
Description - Sleia is the daughter of Lazik and Shoseabee, and half sister to Inkbottom. She has a well-toned body for a female elf and is shorter than the average WaveDancer. She has crystal blue eyes and light sandy-brown hair which she keeps braided. She has a square jaw, a broad nose and strong forehead. Sleia is not known as a pretty elf, but what she lacks in looks is made up tenfold in courage and personality. She can be wilful and cheeky, and is very nimble. She is Barmek's best friend, and is loyal, honesty and trustworthy. Quiet and a little reserved around most of the others, she blossoms into a gregarious and delightful personality when she is adventuring with Barmek. She can be humorous, outgoing and talkative and is the more practical of the two. Sleia can move with great stealth, and is very comfortable with her body and her sporting prowess.


Lazik - Lifemate of Shoseabee, father of Sleia
Storyteller, sea weed gardener, herbalist

First Appearance - EQ/WD#1 (December 1993 [OOP], p2)
Current Status - Alive
Description - Lazik has brown hair and large blue eyes, and is one of the storytellers in the WaveDancer community. He is a naive elf with good intentions, so he is easily influenced by Sydor. Lazik is very good with undersea plants and can often be found tending gardens of seaweed. He uses these plants for medicinal purposes and also supplies Rhialdor with appropriate weed which can be dried out and used for making garments. Lazik and Shoseabee are Slea's parents.


Shoseabee - Lifemate of Lazik and Kadva, Mother of Sleia and Inkbottom
Storyteller, Dancer

First Appearance - EQ/WD#1 (December 1993 [OOP], p2)
Current Status - Alive
Description - Shoseabee is quite an exotic elf with large almond shaped brown eyes, a snub nose and short golden hair. She is one of the Storytellers to the clan and loves to dance. She is easily influenced and doesn't think things through, and is perhaps a trifle frivolous. Shoseabee has two lovemates and a child to each of them: Lazik, who is the father of Sleia and Kadva, who is the sire of Inkbottom. Shoseabee is a fourth generation WaveDancer.


Kadva - Lifemate of Shoeabee, father of Inkbottom

First Appearance - EQ/WD#1 (December 1993 [OOP], p2)
Current Status - Alive
Description - Kadva is one of the Storytellers in the WaveDancer colony and is a traditionalist. He is the life-mate of Shoseabee and father of Inkbottom. He wears a brown loin cloth and sea-weed bindings on his calves and forearms. He has black and brown hair that rises to a point at each side of his head near his pointed ears. Kadva has marine blue eyes.


Inkbottom - Son of Shoseabee and Kava, half brother of Sleia

First Appearance - EQ/WD#1 (December 1993 [OOP], p2)
Current Status - Alive
Description - Inkbottom is the half brother to Sleia, and his parents are Shoseabee and Kadva. He is a squirt with large pointy ears and big blue eyes, and is a leader rather than follower. Inkbottom is occasionally led astray by Shoresprout, but he is a sensitive little elf with potentially good telepathic abilities which would have emerged in subsequent series. He tends to err on the side of caution. Inkbottom gets his name from the birthmark in the shape of an octopus on his buttock.



First Appearance - EQ/WD#1 (December 1993 [OOP], p8)
Current Status - Alive
Description - Korillia is quite tall for a WaveDancer, about 6 feet including her tentacles. In some ways she is a freak in the colony because of her hybrid form: half WaveDancer and half octopus (she is the victim of a patch of bad magic when her mother was pregnant with her). Korillia has a mop of red curly hair and violet eyes. Her tail is crimson with pink/purple suckers. Her tentacles have given her a purpose in the colony: she is the cook and has a special talent for turning anything in the ocean into foodstuff for the elves (except for octos with which she has an affinity). Korillia is quite temperamental and is a perfectionist. She has been known to cry into her cooking shells at times when she doesn't get her way. Korillia is a second born, but is barren. The squirts in the colony like to tease and play tricks on her.

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