Savah - Grandchild of Highones, Step daughter of Maalvi
(D), Lifemate of Yurek (D), Great-Great-Great-Great Grandmother of Ahdri, Teacher of Sunstream, Rayek and Ahdri.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Spiritual leader of the Sun Folk, founding mother of Sorrow's End, and 'Mother of
Savah is the Mother of Memory and progenitor of the Sun Folk, founding the Sun Village thousands of
years ago with her mother and three male elves, Yurek, Dreen and Maalvi. Regal and serene, Savah is the very soul of dignity,
possessing gentle beauty and quiet wisdom. Savah longs for the time when elves and humans can live together in harmony. Savah
never sleeps, but there are times when she withdraws to the astral plane, where she constantly searches for knowledge that
will help other elves.
Savah has been mentor and teacher to Rayek, Suntop, and Ahdri. It is speculated that Savah considers
Suntop to be her logical successor. "Savah's love for her own kind is unconditional and all-forgiving. She loves to teach.
Even when a pupil such as Rayek goes off the path of right action, she will not blame or reject but merely attempt to redirect."
[see The Big Elfquest Gatherum] Long ago, Savah was lifemated to Yurek. During the human's invasion, Savah was shot by one
of the human invaders and was forced to leave the Sun Village. After the shards of the Palace were recovered, Savah and the
Sun Folk were liberated from their underground refuge and decided to dwell in the Palace.

Sun-toucher/Anatim- Lifemate to Toorah, Father to Leetah
and Shen-Shen, Grandfather to Sunstream and Ember
Soulname - Unrevealed
Environmentally and emotionally sensitive, day-to-day leader of Sun Village activities
and advisor
Though blind, Sun-Toucher is wise in matters of perception. His eyesight was lost by his staring
at the Daystar for too many years - but outer sight appears to have been exchanged for the inner kind. He is one of the oldest
members of the Sun Folk, and became a mentor of sorts to Skywise, based on their mutual curiosity regarding the workings of
the heavens. Sun-Toucher is the day-to-day leader of the Sun Folk, and was the first to accept the Wolfriders into the Sun
Village. Sun-Toucher is fair, judicious and an important source of advice for the entire village. When the humans invaded
the sunvillage he whent underground along with the rest of the village. He was relieved when the palace came and rescude
them all. He now resides in the palace in Goodtree's rest with Toorah and the rest of the sunvillagers.

Toorah - Lifemate to Anatim (Sun-Toucher), Mother to
leetah and Shen-Shen, Grandmother of Sunstream and Ember.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Lay-Healer, herbalist, gatherer, and advisor
Before Leetah was born, Toorah (TOO-rah) was the only healer in the Sun Village. She had no magical
healing powers but was good with salves and needles. Mother to both Leetah and Shenshen, lifemate to Sun-Toucher, Toorah was
completely supportive of Leetah, advising her in gentle and subtle ways. She has a mother's protective bent but does not try
to influence, just guide.
A delightfull lady, as settled in life as Leetah, and of a greater serenety. She is close to her two
adult daughters, yet not above teasing them at times. Toorah is also keenly aware of the purpose of the Sunvillage as
a human free haven. Although she accepts her daughter Leetah's departure from the Sunvillage with as much grace as she can
muster, it is clear she does not approve.
After the explosion of the volcano she acompanied the rest of the sunvillagers underground until the
Wolfriders found them in the Palace. Now, She and her people live in the Palace that rests in the woods of the Wolfrider's

ShenShen - Daughter of Toorah and Sun-Toucher, Sister
of Leetah, Over protective aunt of Sunstream and Ember
Soulname - Unrevealed
Midwife, herbalist, and gatherer
Shenshen is a flirt, a gossip, and Leetah's little sister - the latter only until Leetah was snatched
away by Rayek and pulled into the future. Now, at least in terms of "days lived" Shenshen is much the elder, though she still
appears to defer to Leetah as in the old days. Leetah's sister is light hearted without being empty-headed, and she continues
to enjoy the company of men, just as Leetah did before Cutter's arrival. She to has a personal skill: that of mid-wifery,
a gift appropriatly close to Leetah's healing. She relishes useing her gift, Just as Leetah enjoys healing or perhaps even
more since she has few chances to employ it (Elves have very low birth rate) Sometimes antagonizing, sometimes teasing, almost
always afectionate, Shen-Shen has had a rich relationship with her sister and is a major supporting charactor, representing
perhaps, the Sunfolk at their most open and engaging.
Renowned for her birthing skills, Shenshen has assisted in the births of Suntop and Ember, Mender,
and Tyleet. Always holding very definite ideas of how she thinks the world should work, Shenshen is easily annoyed when things
don't conform to her view of the world.
Shenshen is a bit flighty but full of vivacity, never hesitating to speak her mind and only thinking
about the consequences afterwards. Shenshen delights in simple pleasures, never fearing to make her emotions known. She never
appears to be alone or without a willing mate. During the years of Leetah's disappearance, Shenshen filled the role of healer
through the use of herbs and plants, most likely learning herb lore from Old Maggoty. After she accompanied Suntop on his
travels in the Forevergreen Forest, She joined her group and the rest of the sunvillagers in the palace of the highones. She
resides there now in the forest of the Wolfriders holt.

Rayek - Son of Jarrah and Ingen, Lovemate of Kahvi and
Winnowill, Father of Venka and Student of Savah and Ekuar.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Former chief hunter and protector of the Sun Village and former Master of the Palace
Rayek, whose name means "child of the rocks", had long been the chief hunter of the Sun Folk. Lifelong
friends with Leetah, they spent nearly 600 years together before Cutter's arrival forever changed Rayek's world. After his
failure in the Trial of the Hand, Head, and Heart, Rayek lost everything and left the Sun Village to find a place of his own.
Restless and brooding, Rayek must be first in all things, or feel he was nothing. Rayek is not evil as Winnowill is evil,
but rather narrow-focused in his quest to shape the world as he truly feels it should be. His overweening ego blinds him to
others' true needs and wants.
The stabilizing influences in Rayek's life have been Savah, Ekuar, Venka, and Zhantee. Their loving
support allowed him to face the pain he had caused others. The only thing that rivaled the Palace for Rayek's attention was
Winnowill. No greater love could ever be demonstrated than that of Rayek's absorption of Winnowill's spirit to save both her
and the World of Two Moons. Rayek could not risk Winnowill seizing control of the Palace. He now wanders the world with Ekuar,
wearily fulfilling his job as both Winnowill's jail and jailer.

Ahdri - Great-Great-Great-Great Grandaughter of Savah,
Lifemate of Windkin.
Soulname - Unrevealed
Rockshaper, gatherer, and handmaiden to Savah
Ahdri was Savah's handmaiden, constantly seen at Savah's side. Her rockshaping ability first manifested
while working alone near the Little Palace. She made it possible for her people to escape the human attack on Sorrow's End
by burrowing underground. During this attack, Ahdri sacrificed herself to protect the Little Palace. When her lifemate, Windkin,
discovered her, Ahdri appeared to have gone into the rock. Her spirit was all around him, but unreachable. Ahdri belonged
there now, continuing to prevent humans from returning by continually making the rocks move and grow into barriers.
Later the trolls would find her and keep her to help them find jewels in the rocks. She would be forgoten
bu them as well and left in a pit for Treestump and Clearbrook to find and rescue. She now lives with the Wolfriders.

Maleen - Lovemate to Vurdah, Ruffles and Skywise
Soulname - None
Was possibly part of the Jakwolf riders
Ruffels - Lovemate to Vurdah, Maleen and Skywise
Soulname - None

Vurdah - Lovemate to Maleen, Ruffels and Skywise
Soulname - None

Behtia - Lifemate of Wing, Mother of Serrin
Soulname - Unknown
She was the elf maiden to offer Dreamberry juice to Picknose and company on their brief stay in the
Sun Village.

Ahnshen - Infatuated with Moonshade
Soulname - None
Tanner, Gatherer, Flirt
He is the tanner of the Sunfolk and the one to teach Moonshade how to make moth fabric (silk). He
tride to get Moonshade to change and found out that he couldn't. She was wolfrider through and through, and wouldn't give
up the way for anyone. She was willing to share with him, but he couldn't handle it.

Jarrah - Lifemate of Ingen, Mother of Rayek, Grandmother
of Venka.
She was Rayek's mother. Like her lifemate, she praised Rayek for his decisive actions to help feed
the SunFolk. Her relationship with her son dwindled swiftly as he grew.

Ingen - Lifemate of Jarrah, Father of Rayek, Grandfather
of Venka
Like other SunFolk he toiled in the gardens, and tried to teach his son to be content with the product
of those labors. Rayek had different ideas, and Ingen praised Rayek when he brought back his first kills, recognizing that
Rayek killed not out of cruelty, but out of hunger.

Jethal - Friend of Suntop
Jackwolf Rider and 'Fire Eye'
Jethel was full of excitement when he went on his "first quest" to rescue Windkin in the Forevergreen.
Impatient to leave, eager to show everyone how good a fighter he was, Jethel was constantly trying to shake his image of a
mere cub. Though he yearned to get the attention due an adult, he was still a sensitive child no matter how hard he tried.
He exhibits a marked propensity to get into mischief with Suntop.
Jethel did not get along well with the human Ahn-Lai, and after the Forevergreen fire, Ahn-Lai captured
Jethel and used him for his own ends. Jethel escaped and was given the name of 'Fire-Eye' by the humans of Passage. It is
here that Jethel watches over the children of the city and protects the forest. He has established a holt of sorts and protects
a small band of children with Chot at his side.

Minyyah - the first SunVillager to witness Redlance's magic talent for plant
Other elves not pictured but mentioned in the stories.
Dreen - Sun Village Founder
Maalvi - SunVillage Founder
Zahntee - Jackwolf Rider, Clay worker of Sorrows End, See beloved Dead
Leetah - Healer, See Wolfriders
Kimo - Dart's Lovemate, Newstar's Son, See Wolfriders
Dodia - Jackwolfrider, Recognized to Door, Mother of No-Name. The opposite
of Yun. She is Calm, softspoken, and patient, truley sorry when her Jackwolf killed Starjummper. Sensitive to others moods,
Dodia stays in the background, waiting for the others to finish their verbal sparing. Only then does she voice her opinion.
She can be ferocious in battle.
Alekah - Savah's grand daughter. Alekah used her Rockshaping magic to create
the sun symbol on the bridge of destiny. She died of a fever.
Tekshu - Alekah's grandson, and the last rockshaper in the sunvillage until
his grand daughter Ahdri came into her power. He was killed by a rattle-tail.
Thiro - Rayek's greatest rival for Leetah's affection befor Cutter's arrival. He
was killed by a zwoot.
Halek - Dart taught him to use an arrow whip.
Rosh and Dahn - injured in the eruption of the Smokeing
Windstone (believed to be Windkin and Ahdri's daughter), Silver
and Shashen - Defenders of the Sunvillage from the humans.

To Sunfolk |